forlab_linalg_det.f90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

submodule(forlab_linalg) forlab_linalg_det

    implicit none


    module procedure det_sp
    real(sp), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: L, U
    integer :: m

    if (is_square(A)) then
        m = size(A, 1)
        if (m .eq. 2) then
            det = A(1, 1)*A(2, 2) - A(1, 2)*A(2, 1)
        elseif (m .eq. 3) then
            det = A(1, 1)*A(2, 2)*A(3, 3) &
                  + A(2, 1)*A(3, 2)*A(1, 3) &
                  + A(3, 1)*A(1, 2)*A(2, 3) &
                  - A(1, 1)*A(3, 2)*A(2, 3) &
                  - A(3, 1)*A(2, 2)*A(1, 3) &
                  - A(2, 1)*A(1, 2)*A(3, 3)
            call lu(A, L, U)
            det = product(diag(U))
            if (present(outL)) outL = L
            if (present(outU)) outU = U
        end if
        call error_stop("Error: in det(A), A should be square.")
    end if

    end procedure det_sp
    module procedure det_dp
    real(dp), dimension(:, :), allocatable :: L, U
    integer :: m

    if (is_square(A)) then
        m = size(A, 1)
        if (m .eq. 2) then
            det = A(1, 1)*A(2, 2) - A(1, 2)*A(2, 1)
        elseif (m .eq. 3) then
            det = A(1, 1)*A(2, 2)*A(3, 3) &
                  + A(2, 1)*A(3, 2)*A(1, 3) &
                  + A(3, 1)*A(1, 2)*A(2, 3) &
                  - A(1, 1)*A(3, 2)*A(2, 3) &
                  - A(3, 1)*A(2, 2)*A(1, 3) &
                  - A(2, 1)*A(1, 2)*A(3, 3)
            call lu(A, L, U)
            det = product(diag(U))
            if (present(outL)) outL = L
            if (present(outU)) outU = U
        end if
        call error_stop("Error: in det(A), A should be square.")
    end if

    end procedure det_dp

end submodule forlab_linalg_det